The box that dresses up your legs!
Gambettes Box

LEGAL MENTIONS is published by GBE&W SAS with a capital of 30,000 euros, registered with the RCS of Paris under the number 789533353, VAT identification number whose registered headquarters is located at 13 boulevard de Rochechouart in Paris (75009).

The purpose of this document is to determine the general conditions of use of's services. Depending on the evolution of the site, we reserve the right to modify these and ask you therefore to refer to it regularly.

All editorial content and illustrations on this site are protected by French legislation and international treaties (Berne Convention, Intellectual Property Code Book 1). They can not be copied without the authorisation of GAMBETTES BOX. The re-use of the editorial content or the site, for any purpose whatsoever, is strictly forbidden.

While the diffusion of information contained on this site is permitted for noncommercial uses, it can only be used with the consent of GAMBETTES BOX, with the condition that information is not modified in any way. Authorisation for reuse of content is granted on a case-by-case basis. Please send any requests to [email protected].

The information we aquire comes from voluntary registration to our mailing list. The information you provide to us is never communicated to third parties.

GAMBETTES BOX is committed to ensuring that the collection and processing of personal information carried out within this site is carried out in accordance with French law n ° 78-17 Of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, known as the "Informatique et Libertés" Act.

In accordance with article 34 of the French law Informatique et Libertés of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access, rectify, modify and delete the data that you have provided. You can exercise this right on the site on the unsubscribe page or by directly contacting GAMBETTES BOX at the following address: [email protected]

If you have any questions regarding this legal notice, you can also contact us at the same address or call the 00 33 1 84 25 63 20.